In properties purchased
Completed transactions
Purchased off market

No matter who you are, our Buyers Agents can help with your property needs in Perth.

Buyers agent in Perth assisting a home owner

Whether it’s purchasing your next home or your dream home, our team of Buyers Agents in Perth provide unbiased advice on price, as well as other issues which could affect your future with your new home.

For Investors in WA

Whether you’re wanting to make your first property investment, or you’re an international buyer looking to invest in the Perth property market, our Perth Buyers Agents can help you throughout every step of the process.

Our Buyers Agents in Perth will assess the feasibility of the project, provide detailed due diligence and a referral to key service partners, plus support and co-ordination until a successful settlement has been reached.

Our Buyers Agents in Perth will help you search, negotiate, and secure your property goals at the best possible price.

Complete Buying Solution

Our end-to-end solution includes the research and profiling of areas, short listing properties to suit your brief, the offer and acceptance, as well as co-ordination and support from engagement through to a successful settlement.

Appraisal and Negotiation

Our expert buyers agent negotiation skills will ensure you are buying with confidence, whilst removing any emotion from the negotiation process, resulting in the saving that surpasses our fee.

Auction Bidding

For a more competitive stance and to secure the property of your dreams prior to an auction, our Appraisal and Negotiation services will help during the auction process.

Peter Gavlas

Whether you live North of the River, or in the Southern Suburbs, our buyer’s agents can help around Perth

When it comes to investing in property, it pays to have a team of experts on your side. Our expert team of Buyers Agents will help you build your wealth for a better financial future. Whether you are buying your dream home or investing, we service a range of suburbs across Perth.

Think you might need a Buyers Agent when buying your next home in Perth?

Buyers Agents are great collaborators

As Buyers Agents deal with sales agents every day, they build up a trusted professional relationship. They have dealt with many properties together and built a mutual understanding of how they like to do deals. A professional sales agent would not want to jeopardise a long-standing working relationship with a Buyers Agent.

A sales agent can still sell properties to the general public, but it takes them much more time and effort to deal with lots of individual transactions from multiple buyers. Sales agents will often give vital information to Buyers Agents they may not share with the general public such as the vendor’s circumstances, other comparable properties in the area or potential areas of concern. This can give you the inside track on whether to walk away from a potential headache or how to secure it under more preferential terms.

Buyers Agents are great negotiators

Negotiating is a major part of the buying process and you need our Buyers Agents experience, they will handle every aspect from communicating with the real estate agent and will always represent your best interest, you don’t want to miss an opportunity or overpay for a property. If the average buyer only buys a property once every five years and a professional Buyer’s Agent buys daily or weekly, a Buyers Agent is far more exposed and experienced in negotiation.

Any skill takes practice – the more times you negotiate, the more you experience different ways a negotiation can go. Over time you learn to avoid the classic mistakes and have a much better chance of securing a property at the best possible price.

It’s not always about price

It’s not always about price, buying property is already expensive, why pay more than the property is worth? A Buyers Agent will often find it’s better to secure a property that ticks all the boxes at a fair price than a property that has some major flaws that you pick up cheap. A cheap property will often require continual maintenance. It will also be hard to sell. However, good properties can always fetch a premium. Buyers Agents help you to focus on what really matters.